Posts By: Trav

Life is funny like that…

Life boils down to a series of associations. The world around me is like a living memory. Smells, sounds, and sensations all drum up some past memory. Everyone experiences this, but sometimes I think I have a higher affinity for it because it’s hard for me to look out the window without reliving something in… Read more »


I have two tests and two quizzes today, back-to-back-to-back. That’s not so bad. I think I’m prepared for them all. The problem is that I’m very sleepy, and sleep deprivation generally leads to stupid mistakes and errors. I can handle just totally getting something wrong on a test but I can’t stand missing something because… Read more »

Weekend to Weekend

I am currently living from weekend to weekend. The constant barrage of projects and homework is aggrevating, mostly because the majority of it is meaningless. If I understand a concept, leave me alone about it. Don’t make me do a ton of stuff to prove I know this stuff. I read the material before class… Read more »

TV Premiere Night

So Friends premiered its 10th and final season last night. While I did laugh, I cannot say it was a memmorable opener. The show, as bad as I hate to say it, is tired. The writers have ran out of ideas and I feel the cast is so ready to move on that they just… Read more »


I’m sitting here studying for the Econ 300 test tomorrow. I actually think I’ll be ok if the quiz questions we’ve seen so far are anything like the test. I’ll probably study about 3 more hours tonight and then some in the morning. I honestly don’t think studying a lot for this kinda stuff matters… Read more »

Busy, busy, busy

Senior Year is shaping up exactly as I thought it would: I’m incredibly busy and time seems to be flying by. My horrid math class is going OK so far, but I’m saying that before we’ve had our first test. I’ve done good on the quizzes, but those questions are usually just a taste of… Read more »

Classes & such

Today ends the second week of classes. My first impression is that I’m not going to have too many problems. My Econ 300 class is going to require a lot of studying, but other than that, I dont’ think I’ll have to work too much. I have an art class that’s really interesting. It’s an… Read more »

First Day of Class

I’ll head off to my first class here in about 15 minutes…I slept good last night, which is a first for me on a night before classes begin. It’s amazing how confident I am…Not a care in the world really. I guess it should be that way after 17 years of the first day of… Read more »

Boys of Summer

In a few days, I’ll no longer be one of the boys of summer. That’s cool though. I’m ready to get this show on the road. Senior year feels somehow different than the years before. I guess it’s because the marathon is almost over. I’m going to see Freddy Vs. Jason here in a few… Read more »

Four Days

Four days from now, I’ll be back in Morehead. The summer has been ok. I got to do pretty much whatever I wanted and Mom and Dad paid me really well to run errands three or four times a week. I think I’m ready to be really busy again for awhile. By Halloween, I will… Read more »