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Weekend to Weekend

I am currently living from weekend to weekend. The constant barrage of projects and homework is aggrevating, mostly because the majority of it is meaningless. If I understand a concept, leave me alone about it. Don’t make me do a ton of stuff to prove I know this stuff. I read the material before class as I am supposed to, and, oddly enough, I think about the stuff I just read. I’m a Senior: I wish I were being treated like it.

I took this computer art class as one of my two electives. It’s computer art and we use Photoshop and Illustrator on Macs. I like the computer part, but when we done with a project, we have to mount it on matboard. For those of you who don’t know, matboard is like very thick, stiff posterboard. Cutting this stuff with an X-acto knife or anything else is difficult. For whatever reason, I have always had a hard time cutting straight lines. Cutting a straight line on this matboard has proven a near impossiblility. I can’t practice with the stuff because it’s $5 a sheet and I really don’t have the money to go nuts and experiment. The mounting process has taken all the joy out of what would otherwise be a very enjoyable class. Welcome to Senior year I guess.

1 thought on “Weekend to Weekend”

  1. You probably have Deeno, I was in that same class and the only thing it seemed like we really did in there was mount crap. I have heard Gaido is better.

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