Trav tells how to eliminate a great deal of the junk that Microsoft Word inserts into the HTML code when you save as a webpage
Posts By: Trav
The Many Faces of Microsoft’s Clippy
Trav posts an hilarious link to a Clippy parody site.
Sometimes, You Gotta Ask “Why?”
Trav tells of true “What?” moments in the classroom
I Love my ShopVac ®
Trav talks about his Shop Vac
Generational Roses
Trav posts the joke of the rose buds and hanging baskets.
The Bachelor
Trav talks about his life as a bachelor
New Hit Counter
Trav tells the world of his new hit counter
I Think I Get It…Finally
Trav reflects on his career as a teacher.
I Hate Internet Explorer
Trav complains about Internet Explorer
MIDI Files (Old School Computer-Generated Music)
Trav posts links to some old MIDI files he found!