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Busy Week

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Becca explains the hellacious week that her and Trav had.

Gearing Up

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Trav can’t wait to get his end-of-semester graduate work finished

Short Week

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Trav looks forward to Thanksgiving break.

Name Change

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So, today I decided that is going to get a name change. As of 7:12pm on November 10, 2005, will become And, as a side-note, and because… Read More »Name Change

Coming Home

I’m coming home today and I can not wait. After days of agonizing (Did I spell that right? Who knows?) over whether or not to skip, I have talked myself… Read More »Coming Home


I hate it when I can’t sleep. I’ve never been much of an insomniac, seeing as how I’m usually the first person in the bed. Tonight, though, my brain won’t… Read More »Insomnia