I just got the weirdest urge to post

Once again, a little birdie kept throwing hints at me to post on his website, so here goes!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  Trav made this Christmas the best I’ve ever had!  I’m spending my winter "break" working at Citizen’s in Jackson, as usual.  I dread January 7th more than any of you could ever know (except Trav, of course!).  But, atleast this is the last semester I’ll ever have to leave Trav for weeks at a time!  I’m off to try and get Trav to go to bed, I’m very tired and he seems to be cheery and ready for an all nighter.  I…am not. 

PLT = Over!!!!

ETS LogoI passed the Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching test! I’m extremely happy because I was 100% sure that I had failed!  I am one graduate class away from being a fully-certified, Rank II teacher. I’m so happy! For a whole month, the thought of failing that test has been at the back of my mind, which has made me somewhat grumpy. I would like to appologize to Becca and my family for having to put up with my fear of failure. I love you all!

Windows XP Interface Tutorial

If you know someone who is absolutly clueless about a computer and needs help with the purpose of various Windows GUI components, this PowerPoint may be just what they need. This tutorial is the most basic I have ever seen, however, many people do not know the purpose of the icons on the desktop, nor do they know the names of the buttons in a programs title bar. Finally, the tutorial will teach the reader how to create a Folder using Windows Explorer.

Pretty Paper

This morning I wrapped Christmas presents. This is one activity that I like to do year after year. I love being able to buy things for those who I care about. I know, I know…Christmas isn’t supposed to be about the presents. For me, it isn’t. It’s about family: The food and the company are always great. But seeing someone’s face light up as they open something thoughtful is priceless. I like to buy gifts that people really want, which doesn’t always mean something expensive.

Taking Over…

Hey Jeremy! I heard you come to Trav’s site a lot. It’s true I post on here a lot more than he does, but I like, get in trouble if I don’t post everyday. He’s always like “You haven’t posted since 2 days ago, you should post…” Check out the “Name Change” post in the archives to see the new name of Trav’s site! Hope to meet you soon!

Significant desk hours…I know, weird!

So, I’m sitting at the front desk of the lovely “(J)ewell Hall” and I realized these two hours are actually pretty significant. Not that they are any different than any other hours, easier actually, because only 5 residents are here. Basically, these hours just signify that I’m only one semester away from beginning the best journey I’ve ever taken. Trav and I will get married soon after next semester! These hours mean that we will lose residents and gain them and while it’s good to meet knew girls, I’ll miss the ones that are gone. I was told an RA that worked here was “snobby, rude, thought he was all that” and I dreaded working with him. Now, as he will graduate this semester, I have to say I’m going to miss him. We’ve become good friends, and I never saw any of those attitudes coming from him. It’s going to be sad telling him goodbye and good luck today. Granted that I didn’t fail my take home exam, I’ll begin a new major next semester and that should be filled with lots of craziness and excitement for me to gripe about. Somehow, over the last semester, I feel like I’ve grown a lot. Sure, Trav still has to baby me, but overall, I think I’m ready to be an adult. Goofing off will always be a part of my personality, but I’m ready to be responsible-clean up after myself, buy my own food, pay my own bills. I’ve never really been “irresponsible” but I would have been nervous up until this semester to run my own home and deal with everything myself. Now though, I think me and Trav have it under control! This RA job teaches you responsibility in more ways than you realize, it’s like you are the “sub-Mom” of 70 people and all you can do is deal. It’s pretty quite here today, as most residents are gone, but a little quite time is good every now and then to reflect on how such little things can be so significant. Of course in January, I’ll go back to griping about my job and having to sit desk, but I know in May I’ll start to think about the past year and get a little teary-eyed (I’m sensitive like that!). Just in case any of my residents ever visit this site: Thanks for a great semester!

I’m bored again

Well, since I last posted on here, about 4 hours ago, I’ve been working hard on my take home exam. I haven’t even wasted that much time procrastinating and the exam is still taking forever to complete. One of my classmates said it took her about 7 hours to complete. I’m a little better off than her, as I did take a break for breakfast and a little TV and I only have two essays left. But, still this has been a whopper. I’m off to finish it so I can sleep a while before work! Sleep, if you haven’t already figured it out, is very important in a Boo-Boo’s life.

Things you won’t understand

“Are you ready?” “It’s a monk song.” “Don’t yell at meeeee.” “She just needs a little pettin'” “I miss her.” “I’m going to sleep now.” “Who’s gonna teach our kids to be normal?” “______ would piss.” “You Big…Doodle.” “It’s broke.” “What the HECK?” “Do you know why they did that? No,why? Oh, I don’t know…I thought you did.” “I Nomad. I move around.” “It’s like I’m this big ball of knowledge and some of it just slips out sometimes.” I could go on all day…But I really do need to do my test!

About to begin the end…

I’m about to begin the take home final for my social work class. I was excited when she said she’d e-mail the exam to us. Now, I have to say that I regret it a little. I didn’t realize that open-book would mean every page of the opened book! I tried to do some questions last night, and while I could usually “guess” at the answer, I wanted to be sure and it took FOREVER to find them. After this, I only have one exam left. It’s poli-sci and I don’t even want to talk about that class. Finals weeks are always awful, but I have to admit I’ve been looking forward to it for some time now. UK isn’t so bad, and I could easily make it through a week here without crying to my mom about missing home by the second or third week of my freshman year. But, this semester has been a whole different story. It’s so hard to be away from the one you love so much. Trav and I have every weekend together, but there’s always papers, plans, etc., and I can’t wait to have 3 weeks of absolutely nothing. It will be different than it’s ever been before, as even this summer I was dealing with family stuff and Trav was taking classes. This past summer was my best summer ever even considering all that. I’ve never been so happy to leave Jackson at 9 o’clock to go to Sonic for “big donkey” tots or drive 2 hours to Lexington just for a Starbucks white chocolate mocha. I could never truely describe how much I love Trav and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.