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Have you ever noticed that no two people pack the same way? I have a chaotic style: I meander around the room doing a visual scan and grabbig stuff I… Read More »Packing

Time Changes Suck

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I have never liked daylight savings time. It is neat that it intended to give us more sunlight, but my circadian rythm has never gotten along with shifting the time… Read More »Time Changes Suck

Long Day

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Geez it’s been a long day. I’m very tired. I have a lot to do before going to Chicago: three tests to take and an art project to finish. Oh… Read More »Long Day


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I have two tests and two quizzes today, back-to-back-to-back. That’s not so bad. I think I’m prepared for them all. The problem is that I’m very sleepy, and sleep deprivation… Read More »Sleepy