Introducing Phind, a simple PHP script for finding foreign keys in MySQL tables
Trav finally wrote a PHP script that finds foreign keys in MySQL tables.
Trav finally wrote a PHP script that finds foreign keys in MySQL tables.
Trav is excited about the current state of technology.
Your friendly neighborhood race parts dealer is back online after a short maintenance period! Joe’s Race Parts has the best deals anywhere on race parts. And, best of all, shipping… Read More »Joe’s Race Parts Website is Back Up
Trav’s starting weight is 211 lbs.
Trav is fat and doesn’t want to be anymore. He’s going to post his attempt at weight loss once a week.
Trav agrees strongly with what President Obama said in his address to students on September 8.
Trav thinks everybody should leave Obama alone about addressing the students on September 8.
Trav posts his musings on Snow Leopard.
Trav has found a fix for the magic database problem with PECL finfo library involving images with the WordPress theme Arthemia.
Veggie-hater Trav has been eating lots and lots of white rice.