Tying the Knot

The wedding is FINALLY starting to come together. It’s not all just a bunch of ideas any more. Trav and I have agreed on things we want and don’t want and are starting to finalize plans to order things. I’ve ordered my dress, and purchased my tiara. Trav and I saw the church for the first time this weekend and it’s absolutely beautiful. I’ve done nothing but look at wedding stuff on the internet all day…there are so many beautiful things it’s hard to decide on what will be the final product. After ordering my dress and seeing the church, I realized that the next 7 months will fly by, as have the last 5, and I’ve started to get nervous, yet very excited about our big day!! All the stress of planning a wedding will be well worth it though, because after it’s all said and done I get to spend the rest of my life with the one I’ve always prayed for. And for that end result, I’d do anything.

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When God finally answered my prayer, he outdone Himself! I can’t wait until May 27!

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