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An easy fix for iTunes 10.5 (x64) that won’t install on Windows 7 64 bit

I just downloaded iTunes 10.5 and tried to install it on my Windows 7 64 bit machine. What I got was an error message that said:

There is a problem with this WIndows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.

The fix that allowed 10.5 to install correctly was very simple. Simply go to Control Panel > Uninstall a Program. Right-click on “Apple Software Update” and choose “Repair.” After that, iTunes 10.5 (x64) should install with no problems at all. Apparently the Apple Updater can get messed up and cause the new version not to install. Imagine that.

If only all Windows errors were so easy to fix!

56 thoughts on “An easy fix for iTunes 10.5 (x64) that won’t install on Windows 7 64 bit”

  1. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I spent two hours online at both the Microsoft and Apple/iTunes sites and all they did was blame each other. This was an excellent, quick, and easy fix. Thanks for being here.

  2. Your are the man Jerry…I tried all types of fixes for the Windows Installer that I found on the web such as stopping and starting the Windows Installer, editing the the WOW64 registry key, etc. Not a windows installer problem after all. Thanks so much. Bill

  3. it still did not work! i’ve followed your advice, probably 8 or 9 other ways to fix the problem and it still did not work. i am completely lost.

  4. THIS IS THE ONLY THING THAT WORKS! Multi-BILLION dollar companies (Microsoft and Apple) and their “geniuses” (MIT degree / Starbucks drinking, VEgan A$$HolEs) couldn’t come up with this, but YOU did! Hats off to you sir and THANK YOU for posting!!!! P.S. Apple… Perhaps you should LOOK here as well….

  5. THANK YOU! Luckily, I did not spend as many hours as a lot of people – but yes, the Apple site was a nightmare – so glad I went off to find this site instead! Jerry is a hero!

  6. Wow, it actually worked. Simple and easy. Didn’t have to uninstall or lose my music files. I have been trying for several months to fix this problem. Wish I found your post long ago.

  7. THANK YOU!! After searching for months on HP, Apple and numerous websites, i finally came across your site. I did the simple update to Apples and I was able to update iTunes.

  8. The gift that keeps on giving.

    After trying EVERYTHING on my XP machine I could think of, and then some, to update iTunes I just tried your fix and it worked!!!!
    I only tried to fix this problem for 2 months! I was also getting weird space errors…

    Thank you Jerry! Sooooo very much.

  9. Arrgh this didn’t work for me either….. it’s very frustating. Does anyone else have any ideas? Thanks :)

  10. OMG……thank you….that was making me crazy. Easy fix…glad you posted because I couldn’t find it on apple or windows

  11. Thats a great fix if you’ve already had Itunes installed, but what if 10.5 is your first Itunes download and it doesn’t let you past the “import your cd” portion (which is right at the beginning of the install) Just freezes up and nothing else.

  12. Do you have any ideas of what you have done, Sir ?!!!?!! YOU HAVE JUST BEAT ALL THE GENIOUS OUT THERE!!!!!! thank you so much, now i’m off with my updated ipod :)))

  13. This unfortunately did not work for me. I don’t know if I’m missing something, but when I went into my control panel -> uninstall a program > and right clicked the apple software update, all that came up with “uninstall”. Please help! I’d like to put some damn music on my new iPhone and this is preventing me from doing so.


  14. Sir!

    Thank You. My newly, and successfully, installed iTune 10.5 now is importing 18,000 tunes from my new location for music storage. I couldn’t figure out a way to force iTunes to forget the old location except by a total removal of all Apple software and a reinstall. Then the install froze and no help seemed available. Until you.

    Thank you again.

  15. Your are Genius Jerry…I’ve trieing all types of fixes for the Windows Installer that I found on the web such as stopping and starting the Windows Installer,

    I’ve lost all my I Phone files if you can guid me to restore them back specially my Adress Book. Thanks

  16. thx u sooo much man i been messing with this for 2 hr already i havent updatded it since about 6 mounth ago im still on 4.3.3 on my iphone thx again

  17. You Rock! I spend an hour trying all kinds of nonsense. This was fast and east and IT WORKED!

  18. Thank you soo much! I’ve been trying to fix this with various amounts of effort for several months with no avail until now. Easiest solution ever!

  19. I just installed itunes and clicking the icon will not runt it! This repair suggestion doesn’t work either.
    What kind of a multi-billion dollar company can’t make a program that runs when you click the icon. Even Bill Gates doesn’t screw that up!

  20. Am I the only one!? I have searched this many times D: nothing is working, not even this. it says “Please reinstall itunes Error 7 (Windows error 5)” Can someone PLEASE help me! I’ve tried reinstalling, uninstalling, running scans, going on websites and it seems no one has a solution D: Please help!!

  21. Thanx u soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much bro…..
    it works , simple thing yet fucked my mind for many days …….
    even apple couldnt help me tht easy

  22. What a legend! Thanks so much for the advice! I’m now able to install v11.0.1.12 of iTunes on Win 7 x64. Absolute champ.

  23. Thanks Jerry Travis. I’m just another webonaut. It worked to this late date 12/30/12 with Windows VISTA Ultimate. Easy Button – Press! “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you” – The customary entreatis, from what I can tell above. I stumbled through the blogs 45 minutes trying things, until I tumbled yours. Fantastic Trav!

  24. Thank you for posting this!!!!! I spent several hours trying to figure this out and couldn’t, this was the answer. Thanks for the help!!!!

  25. What if there is no apple software update in the list?? I have spent the whole day trying to re-install itunes but it simply will not complete the download. How do I get Apple software update back on the list of programmes?

  26. Awesome , thankyou so so much ! without u i would still be unable to put tunes on my new iphone 5 ! thankyou so much again !!!! i am forever in your debt

  27. I have no version of apple itunes, yet when I got to download in chrome on a win 7 64 bit os it loads a thank you page, but doesn’t start the download, very annoying & searching google for itunes won’t download brings up other problems not at all like mine.
    Anyone know how to fix this?

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