The short answer that fixed the electrical noise problem: Plug a powered USB hub into a USB port on your machine. Then plug the Audiobox USB into that. From what I can tell, if your USB port isn’t putting out enough power, you will get hissing and/or electrical wave noise. (I used a cheap, powered USB power squid hub I’ve had forever.)
The long answer with details: Back in April, I bought a PreSonus AudioBox USB 2×2 audio interface so I could use a Shure SM-58 microphone to record instructional videos. I’ve tried many other mics, including a Blue Yeti USB, and while several sounded good, I could never get the level of noise rejection that I wanted. My mouse and keyboard clicks were always too loud and I have a noisy heat pump. No matter what I did with gain, levels, and pop filters, there was always too much unwanted background noise. The SM-58 has excellent noise rejection and had a nice rich sound for spoken-word content like I would be producing.
I got the unit home and setup the latest driver from PreSonus prior to plugging the unit in as instructed. I plugged up the unit and it installed fine. I opened Audacity and recorded several test tracks to get my levels set properly. The problem was when I set my levels in the butter zone between too quiet and clipping, there was always some form of electrical noise. Sometimes, it was a hiss, sometimes it was a sine wave pattern, sometimes it was a “click click click.” It was totally unacceptable. Here’s all the stuff I tried that DID NOT work:
- I unplugged and plugged back in the unit in the same USB port.
- I unplugged and plugged back in different USB ports, including ones integrated on my motherboard and others on a Silverstone PCI-E USB 3.0 card hooked to the machine. No difference.
- I rebooted many times in different configurations.
- I made sure all peripherals plugged into my machine were on the same AC circuit (to make sure it wasn’t a ground-loop problem).
- I bought a new gold-plated, shielded USB cable from Monoprice. This helped actually helped a little, but not enough.
- I rerouted every cable going into my machine such that the Audiobox USB cable had no other cables within 6″ of it. Additionally, I made sure the monitor headphones and mic cables were straight and not crossing one another in any way.
I was fed up and tempted to order a more expensive unit from a different company. In a last ditch effort, I plugged in a cheap USB powered power squid hub into one of the integrated USB ports on my motherboard, then plugged the Audiobox One into that. To my sheer amazement and delight, that worked like a charm! Even with the gain all the way up on my mic channel, no noise whatsoever. And playback through the unit into the monitor headphones is crisp and clear. None of the aforementioned electrical noise! My only guess is that the unit doesn’t do well if there isn’t enough power coming from the USB port. Instead of not working at all, it makes due and produces a terrible signal.
I didn’t try a powered USB hub sooner because back in the day, the conventional wisdom was that any USB audio gear should be plugged directly into the motherboard. It’s 2015, so I guess that isn’t always the case anymore. For what it’s worth, I’m not going to plug anything else into the powered hub for fear that it may mess up the sweet perfection of my current audio signal!
I did that and it worked….. but all of a sudden…. the audio box will not recognized the powerhub it says: AudioBox ASIO Driver has failed to start correctly before
My Audiobox USB did the same thing at some point. I had to send it back for RMA. The repair tech said it was a “syncing issue with the firmware” on the repair slip. It was under warranty at the time. It’s been 6 months or so since I got the repaired unit back and it’s run flawlessly ever since. I don’t think the USB hub caused it because I’m using the same hub after the repair and have had no problems.
Just wanted to thank you for the tips! I had tried everything to get rid of the hissing and buzzing and lo and behold, the USB hub did it for me. If anyone has the same issue, try that first! Thanks Tony!
Thank you!!!! This worked for me too. The clicks were driving me crazy. I many other solutions before finding your comment online: rebooting, rerouting cables, none worked. Plugging into a USB hub solved it. Thanks!
I tried this and wish it worked, I bought a powered hub and still the same noisy crap, bout to return this and buy something else, funny thing is it worked the first day I bought it, but then the next day?
Nothing but noise and nothing had changed with my set-up.
There is a chance your unit went defective. About a month in, my unit just died. I had to RMA it. The official explanation was that the EEPROM chip lost the ability to synchronize. It costed me about $8 shipping to send it to them and Presonus sent my unit back fully repaired.
I do, however, totally understand just wanting to swap and get a new unit. If you’re willing to spend about $200, I would recommend the Yamaha MG10XU 10-Input Stereo Mixer with Effects. A friend of mine has one and I’m very envious. It’s double the cost of the Presonus, but it is loaded with features and I would love to have its built-in hardware compressor.
I spent a day being frustrated trying to get rid of the popping and cracking static. Looked at many forum discussion and internet articles. Nothing worked. It worked fine if I used windows 10’s as the output. Then it occurred to me to try uninstalling the universal controller software and then the windows driver used audio box usb as both input and output. PROBLEM SOLVED!!
Mine only does it when near a phone so i mounted my audiobox on the wall in the air above everything else. This helps but if my phone gets too close it bugs out.
Thank you. This worked. I got rid of the hissing noise now that its no plugged into my pc. Now I need to connect it to the pc