I recently got a new Toshiba A665-S5183X Core i7 laptop and I really love it. The only thing about getting a new computer (especially if you’re a geek) is transferring files and settings from the old machine to the new one. I used Windows 7’s Easy Transfer to move over all the usual documents (pictures, papers, etc), and I also transferred about 15 GB of programs that are not registry dependent. One of the folders I transferred was my Zend Server CE installation. Zend Server includes the Apache Web Server as well as Mysql Server. I wanted the two installed as a service, but I didn’t want to have to reinstall, since I had customized many settings in several places in the installation and didn’t want to start over. So how hard is it to reinstall the two servers as a service? As it turns out, not hard at all.
First, open an Administrative Windows Command Prompt. The rest is as easy as follows.
Install Apache As a Service
cd into your Apache2 bin directory and type
httpd -k install -n “Zend-Apache2” -f “C:\program files (x86)\C:\Program Files (x86)\Zend\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf"
This command will install Apache 2 as a service named Zend-Apache2 in your services.msc service control utility (where you can start/stop your Apache service). Additionally, it will tell the service to use the specified httpd.conf file (which can be anywhere you want). The service installer will even be nice enough to warn you of errors or warnings in your specified conf file.
Install Mysql As a Service
cd to your Mysql bin directory and type:
“mysqld” –install MySQL-Zend –defaults-file=”C:\Program Files (x86)\Zend\MySQL51\my.cnf”
As above, whatever the word you type after the install directive will be the name of your service in services.msc. The defaults file represents the path to your Mysql cnf file.
Happy web developing with Zend framework running as services on your new box!