If you’re a regular visitor, you probably noticed that the front page now has a nifty little sidebar so you can see my five most recent tech tips. The whole exercise has been an effort of futility because I still have to fight with Firefox and IE 6 to get stuff to render right! I suppose I get frustrated because I don’t actively develop pages as much as I once did and I have just forgotten about how defensive you must be as far as making a change to the code, checking the renders in all browsers, making a change to the code, checking the renders in all browsers, ad infinitum.
I somehow lack the patience for this tedium now. Oddly enough, PHP tedium is fine: I’m actually getting to the point where doing a basic CSS/HTML design is annoying. The worst part is that I have an insane need to change my page every six months or so, which means I will always have to juggle the CSS/HTML render cycle. Talk about a Catch 22: Do I drive myself mad with the boredom of a current design or do I drive myself mad by writing new code? What to do…what to do…
The one thing I do know is that I really like my sidebar and that all is well in Travis land at the moment. Good night!