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Randomness for February 20…something!

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It seems quite odd to say, but February has felt very long, despite being the shortest month in the year.  I finished my second KTIP observation on the 16th.  It went very well and I’m that much closer to being a bonafide teacher who doesn’t have to answer to the newbie watchers anymore.  It’s odd that I’m doing all this rookie stuff, since I was actually a newbie last year.  The powers that be, though, will see me as a newbie until this internship is over. 

Looking at the straight up theory, teaching is not a hard thing to do.  The basic sequence goes something like this:

  1. Set objectives, i.e. what do you want the kids to learn?
  2. Design the tests that will let you know if you achieved those objectives.
  3. Create unit plans, which are broad in nature and structure how the objectives will relate and segway together.
  4. Create daily lesson plans full of activities that can be measured and tested.
  5. Teach the lessons using the daily plans.
  6. Evaluate the results from the students’ work.
  7. Re-teach and remediate any problems.
  8. Later, rinse, repeat as needed.

The only part that is really hard is step number 5.  Why? Because it involves 1 billion2 factors that are entirely beyond my control. Some days, all students want to work and, for whatever reason, put forth more effort. Other days, though, nobody wants to work and I have to get really nasty to make people do anything.  I hate those days.  I come home feeling bad about the whole process and the kids usually end up having harsh feelings toward the material.  On the average day, 60-80% of the students will work, while the remainder refuse to do anything.  The suckiest thing is that despite what I would like to believe, the quality of your lesson plans are in no way related to what type of day the kids are going to have.  A good lesson plan can minimize a sour day, but it in no way prevents any of it. But alas, teaching is very rewarding. When you see a light-bulb go off and a kid walks away with a skill they didn’t have before they saw you that day, it’s all worth it.

One thing is for sure, the moon does play a big factor in how the kids act and perform.  During a full moon, they are more restless and more easily distracted.  I know, I know.  That’s voodoo and you have no proof.  One of these days, I’m going to chart overall student behavior for about six months and correlate that with the phases of the moon. I almost guarantee there will be some correlation.

I am no longer a Hardee’s taco salad addict.  I have been able to succesfully eat a couple other foods…yay!

I love you, Becca.  You make me happier than I thought possible. I can finally be myself. God answers prayers after all.  If we had forever, I would still wish for forever and a day.

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